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Dopamine levels linked to dominance hierarchy- it this true?

Jordan Peterson speaks of people higher in the dominance hierarchy having higher dopamine levels. Are there studies to support this? If yes, what is your opinion on whether a sound strategy to help people, especially children and teenagers from poverty and working-class backgrounds, improve their lives would be to teach people ways to enhance and manage their dopamine levels positively?

Question regarding any updated knowledge on cause and treatment of blepharospasm

I've watched as many of your YouTube podcasts as possible on vision but haven't heard you mention blepharospasm/apraxia. Since most providers of this dystonia only treat symptoms, I have been searching myself for possible areas of the brain where this problem originates and how it can be treated in the area of origination. The most common treatment, Botox, is only partially effective and only lasts a few weeks at a time. The spasms are unrelenting, painful, and interfere with life, especially when there is functional blindness due to apraxia. I'm an RN and a therapist and have been studying on my own to try to isolate the area where these confused signals get started. I'm wondering if it could be in the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex. I've become aware that spasms are triggered by sympathetic arousal (whether a stray hair on the face or a thought) and can be somewhat calmed by certain types of breathing as well as consciously focus on opening of the eyes. This takes lost of energy and is very tiring. Though it is termed "benign essential blepharospasm" there is nothing benign or essential about it and I want to get to the bottom of this and be part of finding a cure. Your help is appreciated in offering information on where and how these neural signals are getting confused. Thanks, Valinda Sue Zimmerman, RN, MA, LPC

Eye Exercises (Regarding Sight Episode)

On the Youtube Page, it says "link to exercise video for smooth pursuit, amblyopia, etc." However, this leads to a page for "lazy eye" exercises (all of which involve covering a healthy eye) I was under the impression that the smooth pursuit exercises, etc. did not involve having a lazy eye, am I wrong? Can I still do the exercises, and will they still be beneficial?

Receptor regulation

Hi, I'd like to know whether you can point out to me some quality sources to learn from regarding "principles underlying neural receptor upregulation and downregulation". From what I understand, chronic substance use often induces receptor downregulation. So I was wondering what are the mechanisms underlying receptor upregulation after abstinence from substance use? Are there known timelines for receptors getting back to baseline? Are there interventions that can promote or accelerate receptor upregulation after chronic substance use? Even a reference to a book or relevant article would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Protocols for tightening skin

After weight loss, pregnancy..etc etc