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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Are continuous glucose monitors helpful for those who are not diabetic? How can wearing this device help you achieve better health including helping your sleep cycle? Can you discuss ranges that are considered healthy and whether there is data out for non-diabetic people using them as a wellness tool?

Cholinergic Urticaria

Dear professor Huberman, What is the best way to deal with Cholinergic Urticaria? It's not a serious condition, but it does affect life quality. I feel an itching sensation after exercising or eating hot food. The medication does not work well and has side effects.

Falling in love from the biological and chemical perspective

From the biological and chemical perspective, how can you fall ”in love” with someone – you accept her smell and body as a good biological match – but that person doesn’t reciprocate? It doesn’t ”feel” the same. Where does the chemistry ”go wrong” if that’s the case?

Diagnosis - How To Diagnose and How to Effectively Challenge Diagnosis

Can you invite a guest to help walk us through the process of being properly diagnosed, the roadblocks we might face; and how to overcome them? Examples of proper diagnosis roadblocks: {}Accommodation versus Modification. My service dog was with me through all my tests, but the test results were equated as though that accommodation wasn’t made. No modifications were made. Diagnosis should be me - not me with another being. {}Doctor being unwilling to dx scarlet letter “dementia.” Even though it’s mathematically accurate since DSM no longer recognizes Persistent Post Concussion Syndrome, my proper dx since 3 months after an October 2006 car accident. {}Visual/construction neuro connection is 23:100 and language 19:100. Neuro - ophthalmologist and otolaryngologist testing showed physical function were on point. Told it must be a brain connection thing-but despite their titles, neuro-doctors said they can’t help. And thus, no other diagnosis accurately describes my medical condition, which is text book Persistent Post Concussive Syndrome. {}I’m willing to share my medical story.

Recovery from adolescent drug use.

Some background. I’m a 22 year old male who used alcohol and cannabis excessively in my first and second years of university (18 and 19 yrs old respectively). Thanks in large part to your recent podcast episodes on alcohol and cannabis, I’m now in a place where I may only use either substance once every 2-3 months or so. What recommendations would you give for recovering from any damage this heavy use may have had on my developing teenage brain?