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HPA Axis Dysnfuction

Any plans for deep dive on treatment of this complex and disabling disorder?

Keto diet fast-mimicking long time

Provided that the keto diet mimics a fasting state, would having a strict keto diet for years be healthy?

Mind Body Connection

Can you please make an episode on Mind Body connection, its benefits and tips to improve it?

Salt and babies/young kids

You have spoken quite a few times about the importance of salt (sodium) for your brain, as a neurotransmitter. One’s intake should not be too high, but also not too low. Since sodium is important in brain function, why is it highly recommend not to give any food with salt (or added salt) to babies and young kids (<2). I’m not sure about the recommendations in the US, but in Europe, parents are highly strict about this advise and don’t give any salt to their infants. Please elaborate more on the use of foods (good or bad), electrolytes (including sodium) on the brains of infants. Particularly those first 2 years are so important. It would be very interesting to hear more about brain development in this phase. It might be interesting for all, but especially interesting for young parents!

peripheral nerve blood circulation

Hi! Prof. Huberman: Is there a behavioral tool or a nutrition protocol that could assist the blood circulation for peripheral nerves? Thank you.