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Methylene Blue

Thoughts on methylene blue? Is it safe?

Interpersonal Neurobiology and Online Communities

I'm interested in our current understanding of Interpersonal Neurobiology and how the people with which we associate profoundly impact who we are. And in the age of online communities, content, and podcasts, what implications does this have.

Thank you for saving my life

I am a Dutch composer living in Darmstadt, Germany. I was director of Darmstadt music college for more than 20 years. For 30 years I had severe sleep problems (no sleep, 1 hour sleep, mostly 3 hours, rarely 5). Half a year ago I listend to your YouTube about sleep. I followed your instructions about behavior change. Already after 3 days having watched the sunrise, sunset, breakfast rules, evening and night rules, I came back to sleep. Since half a year I sleep between 7 and 9 hours per night. You cannot imagine how I am feeling today. And even I analized why I came out of sleep rhythm 30 years ago. Thank you so much. For sharing that information with me!!! As a composer of contemporary music since decades and as a composition teacher for college students as well as for children I am thinking about subjects: imagination, inspiration and emotion. Recently I wrote an article for the Daejeon Metropolitain Museum of Art DMA (South Korea) about synethetics and emotionality, from the point of view of a composer. It had been published by the DMA in their exhibition catalogue “Wednesday is Indigo Blue” in 2021. I would love to hear about your oppinion as a scientist about these subjects. Just for your information: I have recently started a channel on YouTube: “CMC - Cord Meijering Composer”. Right now there is only my music. But I started also conversations with conversations about composing with talks with composer colleagues from all over the world. That will start upcoming January. Last but not least the recently published link to my “Fractal rambling” about the famous video artist Nam June Paik. It has recently been commissioned and published by Daejeon Metropolitan Museum of Art. I hope that this information gives you ideas to talk about inspiratin, imagination, emotionality. Please feel free to ask me for further information if you need. For giving me my sleep back, I will be thankful to you for ever. Kind regards Cord Meijering

Favorite poet & poem

You have mentioned on the podcast you like reading poetry. Who is your favorite poet, and why? What is your favorite poem, and why :)?

Cold plunge and Testosterone

I’ve been on TRT for a few years now. Last spring I was doing cryotherapy and infrared sauna for a few months, had my labs done and my total and free testosterone jumped over 200%. I’ve had my labs done more then usual as I’m dealing with digestive issues and working towards healing my gut with a doctor. I was busy this past summer and stopped using both the sauna and cryo, had my labs done in August and my testosterone levels came back down to their prior levels. In Sept my gym installed a cold plunge room with an infrared sauna. I’ve been doing both twice a week, 3 minute cold plunge and 18 minutes sauna, for an hour. Again, I had my labs done two weeks ago and my testosterone numbers jumped up 300%. So much that I’ve now cut down on my TRT dose by half. My question is this. After taking TRT for the last three years, I would assume that my natural ability to produce testosterone would be turned off. If my numbers are increasing due to the cold plunge and sauna protocol, am I right to assume that my natural ability to produce testosterone has turned back on and is active while also doing TRT? I use a cream, 150mg per gm, I was doing two clicks 4 days a week and the other three days just one click. I’m now down to one click per day.