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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Can you please do an episode on subconscious childhood trauma?

Your trauma episode is great. Anyway, it did not cover much about subconscious childhood trauma and the program (that was the intention I believe). Can you please cover it in a future episode? By subconscious I mean the traumas which people do not easily recognize and falsely believe their childhood to be a happy one. Thanks!

Effects of pollution and how to mitigate them

I've been living in a South East Asian megacity for the last 10 years and I know pollution has been detrimental to my health. What are some of the worst effects of pollution on cognition and performance and how can I overcome them? PS. Thanks so much for your content. Love you and Lex.

NSDR versus actual sleep when underslept

I’ve heard you mention the benefits of a short NSDR bout for when you wake up and don’t feel rested. Is it better to do this than simply fall back asleep for say 30 minutes? As a wider question, is ‘snoozing’ harmful in general?

Napping on morning commute

Are there any implications from napping on my morning commute? If I wake up at 4.30am, workout from 5-6am and then take a nap at 7am for around 30-45 minutes on the train to work - how is this likely to affect my cognitive function/alertness/circadian rhythm/sleep that night? In the new year I’m going to have to start using public transport to commute to work and I’m interested to know if napping this way could be detrimental to those things, or any other aspects that I haven’t mentioned.

Post menopausal woman’s best protocol

What is the best exercise, diet and supplement protocol for a post menopausal woman to follow?