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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Vagus Nerve Stimulation

Your podcast concerning food and emotions discussed the Vagus Nerve. Is utilizing vagus nerve stimulation via microcurrent as a method of calming emotions and nerves safe and effective, or undesirable outcomes possible or probable?

Gene modification with sleep deprivation

Matt Walker showed a graph during a TED talk which showed an average of 711 genes modified in individuals restricted to 6 hrs of sleep for 1 week. How is this measured. Is this test widely available? I would love to research on myself.

Brain hemisphere lateralization

Through the work of Dr. Iain Mcgilchrist, I have learned that there are profound differences between our left and right cerebral hemispheres. These differences are often wrongly stated in pop psychology, and are actually far more interesting than simply right brain = creativity, left brain = logic. In short our right brains comprehend the world and our left brains apprehend the world. Stroke damage patients show incredible asymmetry in how they function in the world, depending on if the stroke is right or left sided. Are you familiar with this hemisphere hypothesis? If so, do you believe that the differences between the two hemispheres is significant?

Trauma and somatic work

I loved the episode on the biology of fear, how trauma is embedded at the nervous system level, and current treatment options. Could explain the current data on why and how somatic work supports rewiring the nervous system for safety and helps discharge trauma? While you discussed EMDR in that episode, there are more holistic, body-based therapeutic modalities on the rise (somatic experiencing, TRE, Havening, etc) that have shown to provide a lot of relief to people with trauma, in the therapeutic setting. Could you explain what we know about the underlying mechanism?


What happens in the brains of people with Catathrenia? As far as I know, there is no known treatment for this sleep disorder, but I would be curious to learn more about its neurodynamics.