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Protocols while treated for cancer (behavioural, dietary, supplement)

Dear Andrew and Huberman Lab Team, Wondering if you could share based on the latest research protocols/knowledge that can be helpful for cancer patients to support conventional therapies as well as to prevent remissions. Hoping for more in depth/less obvious knowledge (i.e. protocols besides ‘exercise’ and ‘avoiding processed foods’). I found it fascinating that patients undergoing chemo could experience better chance with fasting. Thank you for all the work you fob- it is invaluable! Kind regards, Olga

Episode on seizures

LOVE your channel man. Would you mind doing a full episode on seizures at some point? Seems right up your alley with your knowledge of neurobiology. My wife suffers from Generalized Epilepsy, and would love to hear what the science says are best practices to reduce/eliminate seizures.

Get smell back after COVID

Is there anything one can do to get their sense of smell back after COVID?

Neural Drive and Placebo

Can you speak to what Stuart McGill preaches about regarding Neural Drive, and the ability to achieve super human level of physical performance from training the nervous system to "carry higher volumes of pulses". He speaks to examples of women lifting a car to save a child and about professional power lifters that can find that "line of drive" from internal work. Reference:

visual snow syndrome

First, let me thank you for your series and the insight you bring to health issues. My daughter, who is 25 years old, has suffered from visual snow all her life. It has taken a terrible toll on her, especially when she was young and didn't have the perspective to understand it for what it was, or to express what she was going through. Everyone assumed it was a psychological disorder. Public awareness is only starting to emerge, and I wonder whether you know of any progress and if you can talk about it.