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Stanford Grand Rounds

If you were to give a Grand Round at Stanford, what subject(s) would you want to discuss?

Podcast Surprises

For all the research that goes into these podcasts, and the brilliance of your guests, is there a couple of things that you learned that surprised you, that you might want to incorporate into your research or into your personal well-being?

Deep dive into Inflammation biomarkers, in particular hsCRP.

I recently got a blood test done by Inside Tracker, and I was surprised to see that the test results show that my hsCRP (mg/L) was extremely high at 4.4. All of my inflammation biomarkers were at healthy levels according to the test, except for hsCRP. The following are my results: Inflammation: White blood cells (thousands/uL) 3.8 - 10.8 5.4 hsCRP (mg/L) 0 - 3 4.4 Neutrophils (cells/μL) 1500 - 7800 2943 Basophils (cells/μL) 0 - 200 59 Eosinophils (cells/μL) 15 - 500 211 Lymphocytes (cells/μL) 850 - 3900 1814 Monocytes (cells/μL) 200 - 950 373 Neutrophils (percent) (%) 39 - 75 54.5 Eosinophils (percent) (%) 0 - 7 3.9 Basophils (percent) (%) 0 - 2 1.1 Lymphocytes (percent) (%) 16 - 47 33.6 Monocytes (percent) (%) 4 - 12 6.9 There is one crucial detail that I need to mention. The night before the blood test (from around 8 to 9pm) I drank some sake at a restaurant (I forgot I had the blood test the next day). I took the blood test the next day at around 9am. I want to know what is the role of hsCRP, if the reason it is so high in me is because of the alcohol I drank the previous night, or maybe something else. Thank you!!

Deep dive on water

Hi! Can you take a deeper dive on role of water and hydration? Is there any merit to 'drink X glasses of water per day'? What actually happens in our brain if we get too much/too little water? Once the water passes through our brain is it a 'waste water'? Is there a direct relation between water and proximity/latchkey incontinence? Or paruresis?

Cyclic hyperventilation and cold water

Does a WHM breathing session just prior to entering cold water have any benefits? I understand not to do WHM breath work while in the cold water since you can pass out.