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Topic Suggestion: Loneliness

I would be really interested in hearing more about Loneliness and surprising things that can be done to feel less lonely. Spending time with other people is not really an answer when that is exactly what you cannot do

Suggestion: Heart rate variability

I would really like to learn more about HRV. I am active but mine is around 22 and it worries me so much. I have listened to various other podcasts with episodes on this but I'm still very confused

Suggestion: an episode on High Blood Pressure and its effects

especially in younger people. I have HPB and am on medication since I am 30 and my GP says is idiopathic. But I feel a bit left alone when it comes to what I can do to get a healthier HPB and it would be awesome to learn more

Deliberate cold exposure

From my understanding the use of deliberate cold exposure is among other things meant to work as a stressor to the body to spike Adrenalin and get an acute stress reaction which in the long term leads to making the body more resilient when getting stressed. When I do the cold exposure my general and spontanous reaction is some kind of hyperventilation, what makes my body be even more stressed, whereas when I concentrate on doing a calm breathing with a double inhale and long exhale my body feels much less stressed (as you would probably expect). My question now is: what breathing pattern would you reccomend when doing the cold exposure? Can the double inhale and long exhale from your point of view reduce the stress reaction (and adrenalin spike) and therefor maybe weaken the effect of getting more stress resilient?

Risks of using Bluetooth ear speakers e.g. airpods

Does use of bluetooth ear speakers cause negative changes in brain or ears?