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Resistance training for and/or osteoporosis

Can resistance training and/or yoga reverse or stop osteoporosis? (Dr Fishman’s study is compelling). Further, what are the downsides of osteoporosis medications for long-term health?

Higher Power/God/Spirituality/Prayer and the Brain

I'm not religious, or spiritual, for that matter. After years of research, it seems these concepts are man-made to "fill in the gaps" and explain what our brains can't process. But so many friends/family really believe in a power running the Universe and directly guiding them. I want to understand them more and a scientific explanation would help me get there. Does a "mystical" experience then shoot of a chain reaction in the brain that makes people buy into this? Or when they "pray" or think of an entity that may help them, is there some positive feedback loop that re-e nforces these thoughts to the point of belief in what they are imagining? Thank YOU! Long time listener, first time questioner!

Reading while walking

Andrew, what are you thoughts on reading a book, protocol, research article while walking? I find it difficult to get a healthy number of steps throughout the day and wanted to read while walking on a treadmill to "kill two birds with one stone". Do you retain as much/more/less this way?

Kava as a natural, healthy alcohol replacement

There has been some hype about Kava as a healthy mood enhancer/alcohol replacement for social events. Can you share any studies you have found for kava and any insights you have on the subject ?

Bulletproof coffee

Any thoughts on Dave Asprey’s bulletproof coffee? Beneficial, harmless or dangerous?