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Cleaning and organizing home/life and effects on brain

I noticed the other day, that after cleaning dishes between batches of work, I felt strangely refreshed and was able to go back to work in a more relaxed state, feeling internally organized. This made me wonder, what might be happening to the brain when you are organizing and cleaning up the house and how, by the timing you could possibly improve your mental performance (I'm a web developer, so keeping cognitive functioning at the top level is for me crucial).

Virtual Reality googles usage and potential effects on brain and eyes

We might not have much research related to this topic, but I was wondering if there are any noticeable dangers for the brain from using VR, for both the nervous system and eyes, if you're using it with your whole body. I'd be pleased to hear even your personal opinion if there are no significant studies yet.

Episode on brain anatomy, concepts on screen and timecode

You often make a fast reference to brain anatomy parts and molecules names, suggesting it is not important to know them. But maybe some wants to know/learn them ! So.... 1/ could this words/concepts be printed on your video when you use the words / concepts so they are more easy to memorize and understand ? 2/ could an episode be specific on the brain anatomy with showing the different places you talk about ? 3/ could in the top/right side of the video the timecode be added, so we can create an index of the scientific words / concepts and the timestamp of the video/podcast you mention it can be made ? Thanks your interest in science 😉

Episode about schysophenia and actual perspectives / research , evolution

All in title

Consensus around detrimental effects on brain health from long term usage of ADHD stimulant medication

Hello, is there any consensus on the long-term concerns around stimulant ADHD medication like dexamphetamine, methylphenidate etc.? Specifically around neurotoxicity or detrimental impacts to the brain long-term. It seems there's a trade-off between the benefit of managing ADHD symptoms and potentially deleterious effects on the brain. I'm not asking for medical advice here, just interested in the topic