In the episode regarding sleep and viewing evening light, you've mentioned (I'm paraphrasing) that evening light has specific colours that signal to the brain that it's night. Since we can't see any colours on cloudy days at all, is there a point for us to due evening light viewing? Or is there the exact mechanism as during morning light viewing, where our eyes capture photons regardless of the weather, and we should also strive to view evening light on cloudy days?
Can we get a deep dive on women’s health/hormones/menstrual cycle? The topic deserves its own episode given the complexity and how impactful female hormones can be on vitality. I think your male following would benefit to learn as well. The podcast tends to focus more on men’s health (reasonably as there is more data on men but still) Please please please do the ladies a favor & give us an episode!
non-conventional medicine like acupuncture and reiki are all around in hk. the older generation of my family tend to seek for some really traditional-look, sometimes unhygienic, medical centres in the city, believing the elder practitioners have enough experience to heal us... briefly browsing around online, these types of 'medicine' looks to be playing with biofeedback or hypnosis... the energy healing reading, Healing, Intention and Energy Medicine Science by Wayne B. Jonas and Cindy C. Crawford, looks legit as well. any insight from your lab or colleagues? thank yoU!