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Benefits of various aerobic zones

Good Day! I'd like to get some clarity on the degree of benefit to sticking to only zones 2 and 5 for aerobics, in the context of "Am I wasting valuable time and energy exercising in zones 3 & 4?). Peter Attia in particular is very vocal on this and almost seems to eschew zones 2 & 4 (even referring to them as "garbage" zones in one interview). My wife LOVES to jog 30 minutes x 5-6 days per week, but she's questioning herself because she spends most of that time in zone 3/4. I did notice from your protocol that you do one day each week in zone 3-4 as well. Thank you for all you do!

Tobacco-free snus / pouches

The episode on nicotine was great, very informative. If we want to try nicotine intermittently to aid focus, would the best option be tobacco-free snus or pouches? The "healthy" alternatives to smoking or harmful pouches/gums were unclear to me. In Europe, nicorette is only available on prescription to quit smoking, so not an option for most Europeans. There are, however, tobacco-free pouches available. Are these less harmful than their tobacco counterparts? Both contain nicotine.

Molecular hydrogen

Hey, you mentioned you will have a podcast on water. Can you Also talk about adding molecular hydrogen to water. Is it beneficial to add that to my water in the mornings ?

Salt Restriction for Hypertension

What is the latest stance here? For someone with mild hypertension, can a reduced salt intake diet really make a difference? Apart from exercise, maintaining healthy body weight, good sleep, what are some other non-pharmacologic ways to reduce BP?

Future podcast

Beautiful evening In 2013 I read this article titled from the American Association for the advancement of science titled how engaging in art affects the brain. by: Kat Zambon . could you give updates on how the brain is affected by art. As well as the effects of art on the developing brain early learning transitional kindergarten through third grade. Also could you show how the brain neurons lights up in different areas of the brain while it functions in any task. It can be like the marina Del Rey California Christmas boat light show however it would be the brain neurons visual arts.