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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Infrared Saunas

Infrared saunas don’t reach the 170 degrees needed for the benefits you mention but does the body heat up as if it were in a 170 degree traditional sauna? I can’t find an answer to this but it makes sense that’s it’s possible that the body heats up the same in both types even though the air might not reach 170 in the infrared. Thanks!

but how about increasing REM sleep

you talked about ways to increase deep sleep but, besides the obvious avoiding alcohol and caffeine, what can you do to increase your percentage of REM sleep?

To get back to baseline level of dopamine

How to get back to baseline level of dopamine instantly after a dopamine crash?

Task switching and new tasks.

Is there any way to get better at task switching? And also is there any way to reduce the resistance to get into a new/ previously unfamiliar task?

Catherine Ross

Is there any chance that you can do an episode about how one person can affect many and is there a correlation between us involving our neurology in Brainwaves? This seems to be a residence of some kind that happens when somebody impactful chooses to impact others by deliberately using skills, techniques, and tools that make them more magnetically or intrinsically an influencer RE able to conduct an audience in positive ways or negative ways, both mentally and physically. In other words, how do we impact each other in terms of neurological reactions. Before all this hate speech came along I was always so aware of how gurus or highly educated people like yourself or as a yoga teacher, or any other kind of teacher, or as a clinician in a group full of people that have psychiatric issues – there seems to be a way to help without words, and it seems to be that it’s both a mental use of energy visualization that changes how other people respond to what is said, and can influence learning – have you experienced this? Do you know what I’m talking about ? I’d like to know about this more if possible from a scientific perspective. Is it possible that you have someone that can talk about this aside from directly speaking about hypnosis. I realize that you came close to this in several of your episodes, but it would be really great if you could dedicate an episode to the way our brains impact other brains, and our biology influences others biology: as parents; as friends; as teachers; as educators in a bigger way to broader audiences or groups in public? Seems like this would be a wonderful topic for an episode. The ideas about how one person can change, another persons, life, or many peoples lives, simply by being either a role model, or by being impactful, in ways that I mentioned to your above. I’m reminded of when we get mesmerized by listening to music, or hear an inspirational speaker – like you, or are compelled by positive regard, or hatred that is expressed. Does this make sense? I remember being a clinician and working with many different people who had a variety of significantly difficult diagnoses in groups. There were moments when the room would get chaotic because of group dynamics, and I was able to somehow pull them together by using a meditative technique, like imagining them all full of light and hope, or I would calm the room, simply by looking into their eyes and faces, and not saying a word when they would get restless. I would also use visualization and send an eagle to fly in circles above the group and it would instantly calm the room so that everyone could listen better to each other or to the lesson. Have you ever done this? Do you know what I mean? I imagine that you do know what I’m talking about because you’re also a conductor and a conduit. I believe that there may be some thing about our human nature that is contagious, and I wonder how this works involving our brains being connected somehow and our biology being interconnected to each other and everything, in ways that change our affect and experience. Is there any science about this? Are there any experts that know more about this that you could ever invite on in addition might you be able to speak about this from your own experience if you’ve used any deliberate ways to help people focus in a positively???? Thank you so much for your consideration. Your podcast is changing my life week to week. It’s a privilege to learn from you and I’d love to know more so I hope you continue.