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The state of retinal ganglion cell regeneration and general lifestyle recommendations for glaucoma patients.

Hi, I am a 27-year-old male who was diagnosed with Sturge-Weber Syndrome upon birth. It has affected my eye and the upper part of my mouth. As a result, I have glaucoma in one of my eyes, that has been operated on ten years ago. Since then, I have been taking numerous medications to keep the intraocular eye pressure low. Yet, as a side effect, for the rest years, my eye got increasingly red, and there seemed to be no solution (At least according to my doctors). I also notice a significant decrease in peripheral vision. What are general lifestyle recommendations you would give glaucoma patients who are in their mid 20th? Is there anything you would recommend to preserve and possibly improve the vision in the long term? Any promising studies that I could potentially benefit from? I am aware of alternating microcurrent therapy done by Dr Sabel in Germany and Fedorov in Russia. Other suggestions would be much appreciated.

Exteroception VS interoception meditation & Wendy Suzuki study

During the episode with Dr. Wendy Suzuki you discussed a study where the meditation practice involved a meditation session focusing an inch or so into your skull (finding a point "inside" your brain). This would apparently improve focus/cognition if I remember correctly. My question is about the point of focus; was there a particular reason for focusing on that particular point (internal focus) or would focusing outside of ourselves yield similar results? Since I'm too interoceptive I try to practice focusing outside myself more, so I'm curious about this. /Tomas

Sunlight in the AM through a Window?

hey Andrew I live in a high rise condo building. My unit faces East, so I can pretty easily face the sun. My question is, for early morning AM sun, does it matter if I'm inside or outside? I have tons of large windows and my entire condo fills up with natural light. In your podcasts, you've never explicitly said that the light coming through windows is bad or good, so just wanted some clarity there. Thanks!

Tass Lab Research on Parkinson's

Please interview Dr. Tass and discuss the trials and results of the vibrating glove for Parkinson's:: "Vibrotactile Coordinated Reset: A Non-invasive Treatment for Parkinson's Disease"

2 Quick Ones on Sleep Supplements

1) I have tinkered with the sleep stack a bit but generally find that the three pill standard you recommend works best for me. My first question is whether there are any negative interactions or increased side effects associated with having a couple drinks and the sleep stack? I typically have 2-4 drinks once or twice a week and I have not had any negative experiences thus far but am just wondering whether I should modify my routine on these nights. 2) Why do you recommend Inositol just every other night as opposed to every night? I am currently using it 1-2 times per week, alongside the standard sleep stack, typically when I have had a higher stress day than normal. This is working well for me but just wondering what the rationale is.