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Beard growth

Hello Dr. Huberman! I'm a 33 years old male and I can't grow a full beard. Following your discussion with Dr. Kyle Gillett, would increasing my DHT could be a solution? Would it promote hair loss on the other hand? (In an ideal world I'd like to grow a full beard but keep my hair!). I've also read that good life hygiene (diet, exercise, sleep) could have a positive effect on beard growth, but I'd very much like to have specifics ways/treatments to be able to finally grow a full beard. Finally, I've been applying Minoxidil 5% on my face for the last 10 months... and it seems to have a positive impact. Nevertheless, I'm not really comfortable of using this product any longer as it's originally supposed to fight androgenic alopecia. Do you have some thoughts on this as well? Thank you very much for the work you're doing. Love from France! Bastien

HubermanLab shop - why are the measurements for the clothing in inches and not SI units (joking)

Huberman (Good Life) App

There are a lot of questions that people ask about improving their lives that Hubermanlab is perfectly helping with. In most cases, the information is available in the 103 beautiful podcasts of Hubermanlab. Dr. Andrew Huberman is constantly referring to the episodes. However... why not create an application, e.g. Huberman (Good Life) App that would be based on multiple scientific protocols and would impact Hubermanlab viewers' and listeners' behaviors in a direct way? From start, the app can have basic functionality, e.g. circadian rhythm, coffee delay, first meal, etc. In order to customize the app, the user will need to input the data about one's (psycho)physiological parameters. To be affordable to all the users, the app can be tier-based, with a free 30-day trial, with the higher tiers being more expensive (subscription-based) and having more in-depth information and services but the basic one can be free. Basic does not mean simple, on the contrary, it may contain the most foundational protocol(s). This should be at Dr. Huberman's discretion. The issue with all of us is that we all may have the knowledge of the protocols and the understanding. The challenge is in implementing and sustaining the behavior for longer periods of time, especially when some events in our life can distract us from our path. Huberman (Good Life) App will make sure we follow the protocols in sun and rain (Discipline = Freedom, as Jocko likes saying :)) ). This is just a brief high-level suggestion of the idea. But I am convinced this app will bring a lot of value to millions of people around the world and will provide additional revenue to fund the valuable research of the Huberman Lab. Each subscriber will know that they improve not only their life but contribute to the discoveries in the (neuro)science. Cheers, Alex from Dubai :)

Grip strength and the foundational fitness protocol

Given the link between grip strength and longevity, would you recommend specifically training grip strength as part of your fitness protocol? I didn't recall it being part of your "Foundational Fitness Protocol", but it seems like it's important. Also, do we know exactly what it is about grip strength that relates to longevity? I'm a rock climber, so grip strength is something I focus on a lot. However, there are a lot of different components: forearm strength, hand strength, finger strength, muscle vs. tendon strength, etc. I need all of these for rock climbing, but I'm wondering if I should tailor my training toward some of these if my focus is longevity - e.g. focus more on forearm muscles vs. finger tendons.

Does positive affirmations during sleep work?

We often see many positive affirmations/autosuggestion programs to listen during sleep to increase confidence, to heal inner child and etc. Does it actually work? And how to design these affirmations? Thanks, the great professor