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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Animal vs Human Brain

I have recently read an article in National Geographic about studies related to animals and their ability to process “human-like” emotions. My question is, what do we know so far about the inner emotional life of animals (for example dogs, monkeys etc.) and how similar is the animal brain (also its neurocircuits related to emotions) to ours? For example can animals develop depression? Thank you.

Apigenin and Women post menopause

Is it safe for women who are not taking hormone replacement therapy? Thank you!

SSRIs and Endurance Performance

Hi Dr. Huberman! How SSRIs (and other types of antidepressants) impact endurance performance? Does it have a negative effect on our ability to perform during a training/race? Thanks a lot for the work you're doing!

Active and Passive Learning

Hi Andrew, you've mentioned before about the fact we can multitask and I was curious on the research on combining active and passive learning. For example I watch your lectures and I often do repetition drawing just practicing my curves, lines and basic shapes. I have found that I remember the lecture information very well from this approach but I was curious if there was any benefit on the passive front. That perhaps we can improve our motor skills whilst using our cognitive skills if we separate the two into active and passive focus.

Resistance training for teenagers / pre-teens

At what age is it safe to start strength / resistance training? I'd always read that one should not lift weights until mid to late teens given potential risk to bones and growth plates. Is that still the standard? If safe, what type of program is recommended beyond resistance bands?