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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Jet Lag - how can we measure where we are in transitioning our circadian cycle to a new time zone?

I travel between Tel Aviv and the States, which can be a 7 - 10 hour time difference. I've been using my temperature minimum to design protocols to use before I go and when I land, but I have trouble calculating a protocol to follow on the way back. Especially if I'm only there for a few days. I've heard transition estimates of 1 - 1.5 hours per day, but after 5 - 7 days that leaves about 2.5 - 3.5 hours of uncertainty 😱. Is there a way that we can check where we are in our transition? Perhaps an easy way to measure our temperature minimum at night, or perhaps our temperature max during the day?


It seems that one potential cause of metabolic syndrome is the high caloric intake and the downstream aspects of glucose and especially fructose binding to proteins. Fasting and/or calore restriction helps but are there other methods what are the tripping points ofdeclycation and would this lead to better health...

Yerba Mate protocol for weight management and satiety

You've mentioned yerba mate could be a good tool to suppress hunger and for weight management. I can not find dosages in the literature. If one was to recommend this to a client, and if the client was going to brew yerba mate himself (so not taking the pills form), what would be the recommended protocol? I found 3 cups as a reference but that doesn't really help - how many grams of leaves per cup and recommended infusion time? Thank you!

L-theanine and libido

Hi Doctor Huberman, My brother and I have been taking L-theanine for a few months and we’ve both noticed a substantial boost in libido and sexual performance. Is this a documented side effect?

Suicide and neuro reset therapy

Have you ever had a functional neurologist as a guest on your podcast? I am 2 hours into your podcast with Jock Willink and felt led to ask this… the subject of suicide hits home in a deep way. I ask this because I myself am nearly 7 years removed/recovering from an abusive marriage to an active duty combat medic.. nothing was ever reported because I was always doctored up by my abuser. A few years back, I began to greatly suffer mentally and physically. I was eventually directed to a functional neurologist. After what seemed to be endless testing, I was told that I had too many untreated concussions. I did months of neuro reset therapy intensives. I still take various supplements such as Dopatone, Acetyl CH, and Serotone by Apex Energetics just to name a few. I ask this because I also reached a place where I nearly took my own life. Had it not been for the instrumental work and dedication of this functional neurologist, his team, my faith and I must add… your podcast and protocols. I have no doubt that I would not by sending this inquiry today. They said that my brain was stuck in fight or flight, that it was essentially tapping out as it had ran as long and hard as it could. There were certainly circumstances that they felt exacerbated the condition. Needless to say, I was less than joy to be around on a regular basis. I hope this isn’t too personal but there are many out there who need help. I count myself blessed and fortunate to have had such and work towards healing every single day. Thank you for your commitment to better the lives of many.