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Proper evening sun viewing

Hello Professor Huberman, Regarding the evening sun light viewing - does the brightness matter as much here? I know in the morning we are aiming for the brightest light (without hurting our eyes). Is that similar in the evening, or does a cloudy "sunset" still have the same impact on helping to set our circadian rhythm and set us up for sleep that night?

sleep cycle - waking and then getting up mid cycle?

Hi Professor Huberman, If my typical sleep-wake time is 11:00pm-7:00am but I happen to wake up say around 6:00 or 6:30am one morning - is it better for me to get up, or is falling back asleep and then waking up to an alarm at 7:00am mid-sleep cycle ok? Are there negative effects to getting up from an interrupted sleep cycle?

For shift workers. Deliberate Heat Exposure/Sauna to counter sleep deprivation bad effects.

Considering that after sleep deprivation, subjects in several studies had higher levels of cortisol later in the day, and considering also that deliberate Heat Exposure (aka Sauna) decrease the level of cortisol. Is it safe to say that shift workers should consider the use of sauna before and after shift works ? What would be the protocol ? I think a lot of shift workers might not know the bad effect of sleep deprivation on their body and how to counter these bad effects. Thank you very much for considering this question.

Wet macular degeneration

How is research progressing for this eye disease?

Things that improve a developing mind

What are some protocols/practices young adolescents through young adults (14-25) can do to perhaps improve brain and CNS function/health?