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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Rucking benefits

You've recently mentioned you've started rucking from the advice of Peter Attia. Are there structural benefits/downsides to carrying heavy loads? I understand it's lower impact than running, but does it cause any issues with back/neck pain due to the weight?

Mechanisms for Resiliency/Grit

Is resiliency/grit a reflection of one’s mental toughness, or are there physiological changes happening during repeated exposure to any stressor? Such as, mechanisms around becoming heat/cold adapted?

The role of the nervous system in the regulation of liver cytochrome p450

Can you please explain to me the process of tuberoinfundibular pathway?

Generators and Projectors

You’ll briefly discussed Projectors and Generators in a recent episode. Would be great if you’ll could do a deep dive into these human design types


So the recent arrest of the Idaho murder suspect once again has me (and everyone, it seems) opining that you can “see it in his eyes.” This includes his high school pictures, so not just his mugshot. I’m sure I could give you dozens of examples examples of the same. I know this is an offbeat and morbid question, but there is literally no better person to ask than my favorite ophthalmologist/neurologist. So, I have to ask: WHAT IS WITH THE EYES?? Seriously. Is there a connection between dead-stare bulging eyes and neuropathy? Thanks!