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Sleep and PTSD

Hello. I am a vet who served as an infantry man in the US Army and I have been diagnosed with PTSD. I used to drink alcohol to aid in sleep until I listened to your pod cast. The VA, while I think the heart is in the right place, has lost my trust but I know they are the experts with PTSD and have prescribed me Trazodone and Melatonin for sleep. I am one of the people who do not like taking meds as I do not want to be reliant on anything. I know your stance on Melatonin but are you aware of any issues with using Trazodone that the VA might not have mentioned to me?

Playing an instrument and the brain

I would love to hear about the effects of learning to play an instrument on the brain and ways to improve that learning. Thank you for your wonderful work!!!

Relationships, interpersonal conflict, and the bodily effects of certain types of interactions on our brains, bodies, sleep, and performance.

There’s some interesting research on stress hormones in kids—released more/less depending on the TYPE of conflict or arguing they’re hear their parents/caregivers engaging in. And much marriage science on the physiological impact of negativity/contempt/criticism on a spouse’s stress hormones. Please summarize this research, and explain what kinds of relationships and interactions are most/least (literally) toxic.

Hydration and sauna

What’s the appropriate way to hydrate before and after a sauna? Is it recommended to drink liquids with electrolytes instead of plain old water, or is basic water sufficient to replenish your system.

Momentous and Thesis and Nootropics

You are sponsored by two nootropic companies. Could you talk about why you support both as opposed to just one. could you also go through both some of work and focus nootropics that are promising and the ones that aren't.