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Fertility, nutrition and lifestyle

Hi Dr. Andrew, can You please make one podcast about fertility (men and women) and associations with nutrition and lifestyles? Your fan and colleague, Boris

Workout plan

I started listening to some of your YouTube videos. You mentioned you have posted on your website recommended workout routines. You also mentioned on other videos that materials can be found on your website. I can’t find any of this on the public and member website? What am I missing?

Protocol for Recovery for Chemotherapy

My wife is about to undergo chemotherapy for Hodgkin Lymphoma. Does tho research tell us how best to recover from chemotherapy during treatment & after she's done?

Derealisation / disassociation

I had a panic attack in March 2016 and I subsequently developed a disassociative disorder called derealisation a few weeks after. I understand that it is not harmful, however, it’s somewhat uncomfortable. I tried EMDR and Neuromodulation - which helped tremendously but I still do not feel ‘100%.’ Is there a cure to disassociative disorders, specifically derealisation? Who are the best practitioners to help me in my journey? What is the latest research to show what needs to be done to restore my brain? What are the best treatments? Thank you.

Effects of marijuana on default mode network and mind wandering

I have read quite a bit from you (Huberman) and others regarding the role of the default mode network in attention. Specifically, that when our minds are wandering (internal focus, particularly on ourselves), the default mode network is active. When we are intently focused on a task, the default mode network activity decreases, and task-related networks increase in activity. Can you share a summary of the scientific literature regarding anything that has been studied regarding marijuana's impacts on the default mode network and/or mind wandering (or distractability / attention)? One study (indicated below) used brain imaging to monitor disruptions to various brain networks upon application of THC (they also looked into using CBD as well, which is irrelevant to my question for the most part). They found that THC "disrupted" the "DMN (PCC+)" network and "salience" network by reducing "mean network connectivity" in both regions. I am struggling to translate this language back to my previous understanding that increased DMN activity correlates with more internal-focused, self-based, mind-wandering-esque thinking (which for me, drastically reduces my capacity to focus and be attentive). With that in mind, what does the science say regarding the use of THC and its effects on the brain regions that govern mind wandering and ability to focus on a given external task? I am interested in both acute and chronic effects. 2019 study "Dissociable effects of cannabis with and without cannabidiol on the human brain’s resting-state functional connectivity" in Journal of Psychopharmacology.