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with Huberman Lab Premium

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I would love to hear an episode on all things death-related. I wonder if you have science or wisdom to offer that isn't commonly spoken about, as the topic seems to be largely ignored in my experience. (Or even a discussion about why humans live as though we will never die?)

Blood Pressure

What are some natural supplements and why are the AMA guidelines lower than the European….

How does one fix waking up too early when it happens consistently?

I do all the good advice in the podcast e.g. very regular schedule for everything + morning sunlight. But it happens to me that I tend to wake up 1hish earlier than I want. Usually due to it being to cold and wanting to go to the bathroom. Then I don't sleep for that hour. I know it's too early by how I feel the rest of the day. How can I stop this (unconsious) behavior?

Vaccine Injuries

With thousands of deaths and millions of injuries… It’s the elephant in health care… With 74% of young people unable to pass the military physical… What is your take on the situation… You are so informative and helpful with wonderful topics… optimal health is becoming scarce…

How to Increase the effectiveness of teaching?

Would you be able to speak about how you are using what you know to increase your effectiveness in the classroom, particularly when the conditions are not optimal, e.g., your classes are not scheduled at the best time of day to learn, your students may not have had enough sleep or may have eaten too much before your class, etc.?