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Best time to take amphetamines (for ADHD) to maximize energy?

Delaying caffeine 1.5 to 2 hours after waking maximizes energy. Does the same apply to amphetamines?

Does dual n-back training improve fluid intelligence?

I'm reading conflicting studies online about the efficacy of dual n-back training to increase working memory. Is there a consensus in the scientific literature on this question?

How do we build focus?

Focus - what are the main factors influencing the lack of focus. How do we build focus? And what approach/metodology can we use to build focus?


Eyes - what tools can we use to assess eyes stability in order to gain stability and activation of rest of the locomotor system?

Best ways to support children with ADHD

I am a Breathwork teacher and my friend has 3 kids all diagnosed with ADHD under 14. I'm looking at safe practices to introduce with them to help her help them to find calm in the chaos especially with each other. Do you have any recommendations for tools, techniques, books to support kids and their parents with ADHD. Thank you.