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Healthy Food on a Budget

Given all of the massive price increases for food recently, what do you think is the best way to eat healthy food on a budget? For example, where is it prudent to get something pasture raised/grass fed vs just getting the mass market version, or would you recommend some kind of a "half and half " approach to reduce expenses? Interested in foods like meats, fish and eggs.

Darkness retreats

What are your thoughts on darkness retreats? This seems to be a new trend amongst biohackers (eg spendîng three to five days in a dark room without coming out, like they do at sky cave retreats

Protocols Leading up to Pregnancy

My partner and I plan to naturally conceive in about a year. Are there any protocols we should follow leading up to conception to maximize our reproductive health and health of the resulting embryo? My male partner consumes cannabis and hookah once a week. I consume caffeine daily. Do we need to quit for a few months or longer before we start trying?

Are poppers safe?

Would love to hear your thoughts on what the data says about the relative safety of poppers.

Is donating blood beneficial for health?

I hear mixed things about donating blood. Some say blood donation helps remove excess iron from tissue while others say it makes us anemic.