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Cold water exposure episode 66

I listened to podcast 66 which was really informative. I started cold water exposure this week. 90 sec day 1, 2:30 day 2, 5min day 4, 7:30min day 6, 10min day 7 in my pool which was 49-50 degrees. I had great treadmill workouts after. I normally run 30-40 minutes and burn 250-400 calories. I burned over 1k calories on two different workouts and 600 & 700 on the other two with basically the same effort as a normal 300-400 calorie workout. My question is: how long can I safely hang out in the 49-50 degrees pool and will longer exposure lead to even bigger workouts? Thanks! I really appreciate all of the science-based information you bring to the public!

Thank you!

Dear Dr. Huberman, I know this isn't a question but I figured it would be the best way for you to hopefully read this in person. I first started listening to you when went on Joe Rogan in 2020 and have been a proud Huberman Lab subscriber since your first episode aired in 2021. When I started listening to you, I was a sophomore in college and had just decided that I wanted to pursue my career of becoming a physician. I incorporated many of the concepts from your podcast into my study routines and everyday life, like using the physiological sigh to bring my level of arousal down when I was taking the MCAT or how to work out effectively to maximize the health benefits of exercise. In several medical school interviews that I had in the past few months, I mentioned your advice of getting sunlight exposure in the morning to benefit sleep, mood, and overall well-being when asked about a practice that I incorporate into my everyday life. Just this past month, I received my acceptance to an MD program of my top choice and I cannot thank you enough for fueling my passion for science and giving me science-based tools for my everyday life so that one day I become a practicing physician. Thanks!

Benefits of having a pet

Dr. Huberman I have always been so moved to hear you speak about the late, great Costello the Bulldog. Considering your deep love for animals (which includes your decision to have your lab do studies on consenting humans only), I was wondering if you would do either a podcast episode or an AMA on the relationship between humans and animals. I have read that having a pet can ease depression, lower heart rate and cortisol levels, and contribute to a longer lifespan. Also--I know no dog could ever replace Costello, but will you ever get another dog? If yes, will it be a bulldog, or would you consider another breed? Do you feel like you're in the same place where you were when you got Costello, and if not would you be getting a dog for different emotional reasons? P.S. Thank you for the amazing work you do--you might be single-handedly beating back the anti-science tide in this country.


45 percent of adults snore occasionally, while 25 percent snore regularly. Can you explore snoring as a topic more? (impact on sleep, health etc.)

Impact of Digital Displays on Eye Health

We all constantly use digital displays (laptops/Monitors, Smartphones, TV) in our day-to-day life. Also, the upcoming VR/MR headsets will be close to our eyes. What is the long-term effect of prolonged exposure to these displays on our eyes? Avoiding these displays is not an option. How to take care of our eyes and use these devices without any long-term effects?