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Blue Light Filter / Generation

Hello Dr, Is there a way to filter blue light in order to not disrupt sleep (watching TV or using an iPad at night.) Is there a way to generate the proper frequency of light to kick start circadian rhythm / wakefulness ? fyi, I'm an airline pilot flying internationally - you can imagine my sleeping problems. Thanks, Mark Souter

Lean bulking vs bulking

What's the optimal way for building muscle nutritionwise? Cycles of bulking and cutting or "lean bulking" with less caloric surplus? THnx a lot!

Daily use of Cissus Quadrangularis

I have found that cissus has the the most positive impact on my sleep of all the supplements I’ve tried, I sleep longer, seemingly deeper and wake feeling very refreshed. Is it safe to use every day as part of a sleep regimen, or alternatively how should I use it?

Ventilation through wearing only T-shirt and Mental Performance

Hello Andrew, I was wondering if there is any evidence supporting the idea that wearing a lot of clothing decreases mental performance and increases weariness, or that wearing clothing that allows for ventilation of the body such as T-shirt affects those metrics the other way around (and if there is such evidence I wonder if that's the reason why Elon Musk seems to always wear T-shirt at work) Thank you!

Tyrosine Hydroxilase

Hi. Is there any behavioral tools or supplements you know of that increase/upregulate tyrosine hydroxilase? My understanding is this is the rate limiting step in converting tyrosine to dopamine. My thinking is upregulating tyrosine hydroxilase would lead to increased motivation, drive, focus etc through increasing the conversion of the available precursors into dopamine.