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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Carbohydrate Timing

When should simple carbs (I.e. fruit) be consumed in relation to physical exercise to maximize muscle synthesis and avoid weight gain.

Allergies and breathing

I had “seasonal” allergies and because of where I live, that means I have some level of allergies year round. Because of this at least one nostril is persistently stuffed up, unfortunately this makes me a chronic mouth breather. Are there any practical tools I can utilize to improve my breathing without taking anticholinergics like Zyrtec etc. I have had little luck with mouth taping at night. I’m also curious to know your thoughts on allergy medicines in general.

Seasonal allergy supplement cocktail

I used to have pretty bad seasonal allergies, but thanks to my own amateur research using I have arrived at a supplement cocktail which works really well to offset the allergy. During the season, I take black cumin seed oil, spirulina and tinospora cordifolia (guduchi, an ayurvedic supplement). Depending on the severity of symptoms (varies with the amount of pollen out there), I take either one or all three, on a daily basis, from about March to September. Your latest episode on a rational approach to supplementation has got me thinking. Are there any dangers/harms I am exposing myself too by taking these three supplements for extended periods of time? If not for these supplements, I would be taking antihistamines and a corticosteroids nasal spray, so it's worth comparing the costs and benefits of both against one another. An entire episode on (seasonal - pollen) allergy would also be really appreciated.

No thyroid

I have had my thyroid removed because of cancer. What supplements and or workout protocols would you suggest. I am 56 and in good health.

Thyroid issues and supplementation

I lost my thyroid six years ago due to cancer. I have been listening to your podcasts for the last year and also do a lot of reading and trying to research on my own. I am very active and eat healthy but due to menopause struggle to sleep. I take magnesium LTheanie and progesterone. I am very interested in trying ashwagandha but read that it can interfere with T3 and T4 and not recommended for people on thyroid medication. I would love a podcast on people with no or suppressed thyroid function and if there is any difference in supplementation and diet recommendations. I have several friends in the same situation and we feel it’s hard to find scientific based information on this subject.