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Sunlight consumptions for late risers

I work exclusively in the late evenings. My daily sleep schedule is bed at 4am. Wake at 12 noon. I live in a sunny region (South Florida) Am I receiving less quality sunlight somehow if I sun around 1pm eastern compared to the morning sunlight I see advocated here often? Ty

Optimal way to consume fermented foods

When eating low sugar fermented foods to improve gut health, is it ok to eat the fermented foods with other snacks that do include sugar. Or does this negate the effects of the low sugar fermented food. Also, the study you mention talks about six times a day, but that it doesn't depend on how much, but instead how long. Is there a minimum intake requirement that you would recommend. And any other relevant information on proper low sugar fermented food intake Thank you

Apollo Neuro

There's a device on the market called "Apollo Neuro", the person being behind it being Dr. Dave Rabin, who is also involved with MAPS. After listening to your episode on happiness and music, it occurred to me that he has spoken on podcasts about how he worked with music scientists to find wave frequencies emitted by the device to induce certain states (eg relaxation or focus). I thought this claim was somewhat outlandish, but might there be something to the Apollo Neuro device in the sense that by emitting waves it can induce certain mental states?

Sunlight viewing protocol for babies to ensure healthy eye development

Are there protocols (perhaps related to sunlight viewing) that can aid the healthy development of the eyes in babies, and affect the chances of the child needing glasses later?

Birth Control and All Things Pregnancy

Birth control-- specifically hormonal birth control-- is becoming a hotter and hotter topic right now as we are discussing the potential long term side affects on women. Is there anything you can offer on information regarding hormonal birth control and neurobiology and associate hormones? I' an avid listener and am pregnant with my third child. It'd also be awesome to get info on how to incorporate health protocols while pregnant and/or best protocols to include when specifically pregnant. Thanks! Can't wait.