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Time taken for Podcast preparation

What is the typical time taken for a podcast preparation and do you now have a team, as I would think there is almost 20-30 hours of reading required to properly research an episode.

Vertigo after intense mental work

Hello, Dr. Huberman ! Huge respect for everything you do. I have one problem which is really annoying. In my job as developer obviously I am doing a lot of mental work. Problem is after 3-4 days of intensive sessions for 5-6 hours concentrated work there is always one morning that I am waking up with vertigo. It's hitting hard so I am not able to work properly for 2-3 days until recover. Do you know why this is happening ? How to handle it if there some protocol to follow ? I am working out 4-5 times per week doing weights and playing basketball. Fasting on 16/8 manner. With 20 % body fat. Happy to provide more details if needed. Thanks a lot in advance.

Retinal damage induced by LED

Hello Huberman lab team. What is your opinion about the vast number of studies showing retinal damage and LED exposure and your recommendation of using artificial light in the morning? Thank you

EPA DHA found food sources

Because these fatty acids a delicate they can become rancid easily which is not so healthy!? Second part how much processing disturb the quality of these Fatty acids Like smoking brining cooking etc Thank you I’d like to eat my LCfa omega 3