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Getting supplements outside the US

Hey i live in Israel and want to get athletic greens which you highly recommend but im unable to get them here . Is there any other plans that are global that i could try? Or should i try and get them from several suplliers?

Ashwagandha - recommended brand or formulation?

HRV Heart Ratę Variability

I would be very grateful for information on heart rate variablity -HRV, what it should be and how to improve it

Long Covid

What are your thoughts on Long Covid & how long does it take for brain inflammation to subside from virus attacks? thank you.

EMF, Bluetooth and medical devices

I heard you mention there will be episode coming up on ETF’s. Can you address any risks associated with medical pumps, specifically closed loop insulin pump and cgm systems? Type 1 not looking for any more trouble 😀 thanks for this podcast!