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Zero Sugar Drinks

Is it a wise choice to replace regular soda with zero sugar options? What are the health implications of the zero sugar vs regular?

Mayonnaise - yay or nay?

I put mayonnaise on everything. Should I continue to do so?


Why do humans have this fascination with doing something a certain way and that will cause their preferred outcome? Do we know when this started roughly and what does the science say to describe it in an unbiased way.

Choline for memory support & NAC to support quitting addictive behaviors (THC, smoking)

I've changed supplements for family members and myself based on your podcasts, but I haven't heard you mention NAC or Choline. One of my adult children has diagnosed OCD, ADHD, trichotellimania, and bipolar II. There are a couple clinicals showing promise for NAC for OCD, trich, and substance issues. What are your thoughts on NAC for these afflictions vs other supplments? FYI I was glad to hear you talk about Inositol. When he was young we tried it for OCD and trich, but couldn't get to the needed dosage without extreme fatigue. Also, I'm taking Choline for memory support and added Magnesium Theronate after researching it. Does the data you've read show advantages for Choline?

Applying Neuroscience to Animal Behavior

What is a good neuroscience focus/path for someone in Animal Behavior to apply neuroscience in the animal behavior/training field?