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Cancer and Cell Biology

Can you do an episode with Siddhartha Mukherjee? Cancer Physician and Researcher. Stanford alumni. Author of the Pulitzer Prize winner The Emperor of All Maladies, The Gene, and The Song of The Cell(which just came out). He is an amazing narrator of science and the melding of your two minds would be fascinating!


Curious if you have any information on this. About 10 years ago, after taking 2C-E and some MDMA at at rave, I ended up staying up for two days. When I finally slept, I was awoken with visual snow/static.I can go into more details if need be, but over the years I have accepted it as a permanent thing. The static, alongside tracers, and certain color patterns moving on their own is part of me now and isn't so bad when I sleep well and keep myself sober for long times. My sight is actually very strong otherwise, everyone else in my family has glasses etc but me. I could definitely use them but still have the best sight outside the HPPD. After the first year or so I kind of stopped looking into anything regarding this topic as I just kind of accepted it as a consequence of having fun. So like I said, was curious if you had any information on this. Some say it goes away with sobriety, supplements etc, but that has not been the case for me.

Inquiry for Rick Rubin

Hello! I’d like to submit a question to ask Rick Rubin. If he is familiar with the work of Mauro Zappaterra and cerebralspinal fluid? The topic is fascinating and seems super relevant to the consciousness he taps into, perhaps he knows it by being with it not by studying it or giving Ted talks about it. Thank you very much for making our world brighter, Andrew and Rick Rubin!!

Cannabis - Long Term Chronic Usage and Recovery

Hi, I wanted to know your opinion around recovery for long term (15/16 years) of cannabis users. Lifetime consumption of 15K - 20K units (times of usage, mainly flowers). I know someone who was a long term user and recently gave it up. What are some of the best activities for such an individual to engage in during the recovery process and for the rest of their life. Would love to share your insight with them if possible. Thank you for all work you and your team put together!

Herba mate as coffein

Now we understand all the rules for a perfect use of coffein during the day, how to consider Herba mate , that you mentioned in several podcast? Thank you