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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Interoception -

I've heard you briefly mention in a few podcasts that interoception can be very uncomfortable for people that suffer from anxiety. I can always feel my heartbeat and it causes me a great deal of discomfort/anxiety. Is there a way to reduce the sensory experience of interoception? I cannot find any advice for this online.

Skinny Fat

I'm 6'1 210LBs. I have this annoying belly fat I just can't rid of. Are there any blood tests or anything I could do to help slim down? I intermitted fast daily between 16-20hrs. And eat about 2 meals a day.

How did mathematician Paul Erdös manage to stay so productive while using amphetamines religiously?

Paul Erdös, apart from being renowned as perhaps the most prolific mathematician of the 20th century (with over 1,500 published mathematics papers) is also known to have taken amphetamines daily from 1971 until his death in 1996. How did Paul Erdös manage this habit taking into account the current consensus on the “pain and pleasure balance” and offset, seemingly, the inherent effect of “diminishing dopaminergic returns?”

Harmful Effects of Screen Time

On a similar topic to the effects of bluetooth/EMF, I am interested in what studies or data there may be relating to the harmful effects of screen time on our physical and mental health. I've been working from home since the pandemic started and my screen time has significantly increased. Since then I have noticed some issues with my eyesight (which was 20/20 in 2019 but has since rapidly declined), but I am wondering what other potential issues have been documented or studied in relation to our increased screen time in the US and worldwide?

Fasting for women

I heard what you said about fasting and fertility on the last AMA, but I have heard SO many health coaches talking about how women in general should just not fast at all. I’ve heard a lot of them say it can disrupt hormone balance. Can you give an opinion on if women should fast in general? And if they should do short term intermittent fasts or longer term multi day fasts or both or neither?