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Closing Your Eyes vs Distance Viewing

Does closing your eyes relax them in the same way as viewing objects at distance? Is there any benefit in taking breaks from your work to briefly close your eyes?


Enjoyed your so much I joined premium. Some issues ashwagandha is a Nightshade and I can't do nightshade and chaga and lions main are blood thinners. Already have a family member who can't do that nightshades or blood thinner herbs and spices and supplements. Any other ideas? Who's that brain?

Ashwagandha use long term for blood pressure

After 15 days of taking 600mg / day my average blood pressure has reduced from 140/90 to 115/75. Seems fairly dramatic and very positive. In AMA #3 you recommend cycling off of Ashwagandha after 30 days. given the improvement of BP seen, would you still recommend cycling off? Also, is it fair to assume the primary reason for BP improvement is related to cortisol reduction? Finally, I have been hesitant to begin taking a statin if i can find other ways to manage it. Is there any evidence that managing blood pressure with a natural herb is any 'better' than taking a statin?

Schema therapy

Could you do an episode or interview with an expert on schema therapy, or explain some of the basics in a short AMA, and perhaps compare it to some other forms of therapy?

Applied kinesiology to discover nutritional deficiencies

Is applied kinesiology a pseudoscience or is it real? Is there any proper scientific research to back up muscle testing to find nutritional deficiencies?