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Trouble waking in the morning

I have a very difficult time waking up in the morning and I haven’t really heard you speak much on this part of the sleep schedule. I wake up at 4am central time every day for work as a construction worker. I’ve tried supplements and many different sleep schedules for weeks at a time (6, 8, 10 hours) but none of it seems to help. I currently have like 5 different alarm times plus a sunrise style light alarm clock. I usually sleep through all of these or even incorporate the sounds into my dreams. I pretty much only wake up when my partner forces me awake because she can’t take the alarms anymore. Do you have any advice on what I can try to fix this or any supplements that might help? Thank you for your time!

Healing a torn meniscus

Are there proven supplements that can help in the healing process of a torn meniscus? Bad tears likely require surgery, but is there anything that will be especially beneficial in helping speed the process?

Palmer cooling to lower body temp for sleep

I wanted your thoughts on using Palmer cooling to possibly lower body temp to help fall asleep. Or if this would be counter intuitive due to the body trying to heat back up after the initial drop?

Acne and the brain

Dear Andrew, I would love for you to dive deeper into the relation between stress and inflammatory diseases, in particular acne. And I know this is not exactly your field but you have been talking to various people with knowledge on the subject such as experts on the microbiome, my question being; what are the various possible causes of acne? Thank you so much for all the amazing work you're doing, I can't express how much I value you.


I always cough for a long time after recovering from a cold. I would need to use the inhaler at times, though I am not diagnosed with asthma. I would really love to know what I can do in regard to the coughing. Many thanks!