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Finasteride and hormones

A lot of men suffering from androgenic alopecia (balding) take finasteride or dutasteride. There are, however, drawbacks that you have mentioned before on your podcast, such as potential sexual side effects. Can you talk about whether or not these side effects can be explained by hormone imbalances? Can they be remedied by manipulating these hormone ratios? Or is it just due to DHT surpression and there is nothing you can do about it besides not take the drug? I think there are a lot of guys in my position who want to know how DHT surpression due to finasteride affects SHBG, estrogen, free testosterone, etc. Obviously these drugs will throw off the natural production and balance of these hormones, but what are the ranges that men who are on finasteride or dutasteride should aim for to reduce the chance of side effects?


Is earthing aka grounding legitimate or woo? Thank you for the amazing podcast!


Does stretching help in health outcomes in any way?

Reduce cannabis-induced memory deficits with Racetam compounds? (NCBI study)

Following up on your cannabis episode, and given the increased popularity of cannabis both medically and recreationally, could you share your thoughts on reduced cannabis-induced memory and learning deficits, specifically through Racetam compounds? After reading a study posted in NCBI, where the nootropic Piracetam reduced cannabis-induced cognitive deficits to almost baseline, I got curious about the mechanisms behind it and how racetams in particular could reduce these effects significantly. With the large use of cannabis in areas where learning and memory are important; for instance, universities and professional jobs, I believe this information to be highly valuable to many of your listeners.

Erasing Fears & Traumas Based on the Modern Neuroscience of Fear

Hey, the transcript on this would be fantastic please soon :-) . I love listening to the podcasts, though I am a reader and take it in reading and making notes, it's hard to absorb all the deep takeaways listening, pausing, typing notes and starting again.....and oh looking to work too ;-)