Ask Me Anything

with Huberman Lab Premium

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Neuroscience and Qigong

Have you practiced Qigong? White Tiger Qigong teaches the neuroscience behind Qigong and I was wondering if you had done any studies or worked with their Qigong?

Do you want to meet a 74 y.o. power lifter who trains consistently for over 55 years now?

I know this is not a question for AMA but I hope "this is the way" (I had to write it...) to let Dr. Huberman know about the powerlifting champion from Poland. His name is Jan Łuka (Luka). He was my coach at a gym for few years. He was born in 1949, started lifting when he was 18 and never stopped. There are many YT videos of him working out today. I was inspired by your talk wit Dr. Galpin about not having enough of lifelong weight lifters to learn about. I would love to help Dr Galpin and you to get in touch with Mr Łuka (and possibly help to translate). All the best and thank you for sharing all this knowledge with us!

Timestamps, Captions, Headlines in the transcripts

Hi, I know that this is more a suggestion than it is a question, but I find it a little bit hard getting along in the transcripts for the AMA's. If there would be some captions/ headlines or anything equivalent to the timestamps in the YT videos, that would be very beneficial. Also something as a table of contents would be helpfull. I also want to really thank you for your excellent work with this podcast it really delivers huge benefits because its so actionable. The band width of themes you cover is really impressive and I was able to enhance my own life in various ways through some of the information you provided and the protocols you suggested to make use of the data. Have a nice day :)

cold exposure and cortisol

I have heard on other YouTube videos and podcasts that cold exposure can help to reduce cortisol. However, you did not mention this on your podcast. You only stated that catecholamines could be increased without any associated increase in cortisol. Could you revisit the relationship between cold exposure and cortisol? Is there any potential to use cold exposure to decrease cortisol?

EMF and Eightsleep bed

you mentioned you have stopped using Airpods due to EMF. How much EMF does the 8sleep pod produce and what are your thoughts regarding this exposure?