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Skin hydratation

Moisturizing creams for the skin are very recent in the history of humanity. I wonder if they are really necessary to have hydrated skin. What really is healthy skin? Is it necessary to use moisturizing creams or other methods? Maybe vaseline?

Autoimmune diseases and mild illnesses

As autoimmune diseases involve having the immune system in an alert state all the time, can there be a relationship between people with autoimmune diseases and having fewer mild illnesses than other people without autoimmune diseases? Let's say colds, flu and so on.

How can i use stress-increase techniques en stress-reduction techniques in sports. - trampoline/gymnastics and archery

You've talked a number of videos and podcast about stress reduction and focus/stressincrease. How can I use this in sports? for instance 1. If I have to do a gymnastics/trampoline routine of 20 to 30 sec. 2. if i have to do archery competition of 30 minutes and 100 shots. I have to briefly increase my focus and energy and then relax for 20 seconds before I start shooting again. I am very curious about your ideas on this

Effects of sustained, traumatic stress on the developing child

Would you consider doing a podcast about the long-term effects of sustained traumatic stress on the developing child? I see lots about single-event trauma and its effects, but very little understanding that a large number of people with PTSD are in fact dealing with a long history of trauma that does not just "go away" with a few sessions of therapy, etc. The health sequela that results from gestating in a violent, abusive environment followed by 18 to 20 years of growing up in the same are profound and largely unrecognized. All the information about how to stay fit and healthy begins to feel like an echo-chamber for the privileged. And that is only exacerbated by a healthcare system that has very little idea how to help someone living with the reality of a such a background. You are one of the few people who could do this justice, I think - and I listen to and read a great deal on this topic. Thank you for considering. Kathy in lovely, snowy, Vermont

Benefits of intermittent fasting

A new research, most recently a study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association on Jan. 18, the time when you eat, in and of itself, doesn’t appear to be helpful for weight loss but I thought there were weight loss benefits. Can you comment on the recent study or did I misunderstand time restricted feeing benefits?