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Hi Dr Huberman, much love from Australia. In regards to exercising being good for mental health, sadly I've been having the opposite. I joined the Gym and started slowly on weights and cardo and I noticed two days after I would be really depressed/anxiety, I thought it was just a recurrence of depression/anxiety, but it just kept happening to the point I had to stop. I tried smaller exercises at home, like skipping for only a min and I would have the same affect, this time the next day, not as bad but still there. Even after just doing a few squats with no weights, I'd get the same effect. I even tried just walking for 20mins and sometimes it would happen as well. Is there any explanation to why or what I can do ? I don't drink or smoke, I eat really healthy. I do suffer from anxiety and depression at times, I take 5mg of lexapro everyday. Strangely enough, I boxed for 4yrs and it never happened back then. any help would be amazing, this has been bringing me down for a long time now, I just want to get fit. warm regards Grant

Phenomenon behind my anxiety decreasing during the evening

I'm a software engineer and I find that I do my best work during the night. I've tried my best to stick to your recommended sleep/exercise regimen and getting sunlight in the early hours and avoiding screens in the evening however I cannot be productive until the sun sets/after hours at work when everyone else has logged off. This reddit post sums it up best (it has over 500 upvotes so I may not be the only one experiencing this after all): Is there anything in your research that describes this effect? If so, how can I use it to optimize my day/perhaps achieve a similar state (no anxiety) during the day as well?

Clarification on Fertility Podcast

Could you please clarify the results you found around edible (ie. non-smoked) cannabis, and it’s effects from use preconception? Specifically looking to understand not just impact on chances of conception, but around potential health issues of the fetus during pregnancy and eventual child that develop from that egg (eg. Chromosomal issues, autism, etc.)

Light therapy glasses (Luminette)

What are your thoughts on light therapy glasses such as Luminette? Any dangers in light shining directly into the eyes? I am a very busy surgical resident and often don't see the sun for days on end. They are expensive but given the benefits of early morning light exposure you talk about, these could be very helpful! Thank you!

Small doses of Ritalin (or Similar meds)

How is effecting brain using instead of alcohol small doses of Ritalin (adhd meds) like 1/4 or 1/2 of 10mg pill for party 1 per week. Is it wrong substitute or it is considered to be better than 7-14 drinks/week?