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Tools to retrain the neuronal network

Is it possible to rewire the limbic system and change the structure and function of our brain to overcome CFS or other mental health challenges stemming from being stuck in a fight-or flight modus?

Tools for children/teens with intellectual disabilities to restore/repair neurological function?

What tools would you suggest for parents having children & teens diagnosed with intellectual disabilities? tools which may specifically help these parents utilize neuroscience to heal the brains of their children to help them to focus, to learn better, to emotionally regulate themselves and to better memorize their stuff? since these kids/teens lack the intellectual & emotional understanding to create a sense of urgency to improve themselves on their own and they do not understand how to really apply the concepts of mindfulness meditation or perceive the world given their mental maturity, hence suggestions of a few tools & supplements which might help them repair their neurological function to some extent would be hugely beneficial for all parent struggling to see their child surviving in their everyday lives. Also please please do a podcast for children & teens suffering from intellectual disabilities

What does science tells us about using Lion's Mane and Coffee Fruit to raise BDNF levels?

many people report having increased brain health, clarity, focus & memory by consuming Organic Lions Mane and Coffee Fruit Extract, but what does the latest literature has to tell us about the legitimacy and safety of the uses of the products for enhancing neuroplasticity processes and potential side effects on body if any?

Hot Tub versus Sauna

Thank you for this platform. My question is, can you derive benefits from using a hot tub at 104 degrees that are similar to the benefits of using a sauna?

PFAS on wild caught fish

A recent study found that one serving of wild caught fish to be equivalent to drinking contaminated water for a month at 48 ppt PFOS. What are your recommendations for seafood going forward?