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Cold head showers

By washing only your head with very cold water,do you get the same benefits as having cold showers.Thanks.

Vaping cannabis health effects

What is the effect of vaping cannabis/THC versus smoking? Is it less harmful? What is the difference between vaping and edibles?

Benefits of molecular hydrogen

Hi Andrew, I've heard many great benefits about the use of molecular hydrogen and have been taking it daily for about 3years in form of tablets dissolved in water. I hear that it's being studied extensively in clinical trials for a host of uses including recovery, emergency medicine, as well as longevity but have not heard much about it or of late beyond a small group within the biohacking community. Can you share some insight or even better, cover it on a podcast if warranted ?

75 Hard

Was wondering your thoughts on the 75 Hard program? (Andy Frisella) Rules of the 75 Hard Program For 75 consecutive days, 75 Hard participants must do the following: Follow a diet. While it can be a diet of your choosing, the diet must be a structured eating plan with the goal of physical improvement. No alcohol or meals outside your chosen diet are allowed. Complete two 45-minute workouts, one of which must be outdoors. Take a progress picture. Drink 1 gallon of water. Read 10 pages of a book (audiobooks not included). Furthermore, no alterations to the program are allowed. If you miss any of your daily goals, your progress resets to day one. Thanks Dr. Huberman for your time!

Parasite cleanse

Is there any compelling evidence to suggest that parasite cleanses (ex: Paraguard) are effective? And under what circumstances should one consider using such a cleanse?