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Eye lens state when using VR glasses

Disclaimer: I might use the wrong terminology here, but I think you will get the point. if you look at objects from close by, your eye lens muscles are under stress. if you look at the horizon or things far away, your eye lens is relaxed. What is the state of the eyes when you are using VR glasses? Would this somehow be looking at objects far away? Or is it close by?

Since the eyes are part of the brain…

The recent video you posted showed how the eyes develop as part of the brain. Does that mean we can detect discreet brain actions by analyzing autonomic eye movements?

Is marathon running bad for long-term health?

I recently came over an article talking about purported negative health effects of long-distance running such as marathons. What amount of long duration, zone 2 cardio is too much, do we know anything about where the benefit of such training drops off and starts going the other way?

Recovery after acute sleep deprivation?

Ok, so I know sleep is super important, but what happens if you end up having to pull an all nighter? What happens after acute sleep deprivation? Effects on NAD+, adenosine, magnesium levels, immunity, atp levels, cytokines, etc. How do you mitigate the effects of acute sleep deprivation to get through the next day, quickly get back back to normal function, and reduce the harm of the sleep deprivation that you just created in the brain and body?

Brain's Go-No Go Mechanism and toolset

Hello Dr. Huberman, I’d like to ask about the Go/Nogo mechanism in the brain, and how that logically relates to procrastination, and further the tools to battle that. I have my own toolset that sometimes work with great efficiency, and sometimes not so much. One tool I use is a sort of battery, almost a mantra, if you will of , “do it now-do it now-do it now” to move into action. My own guess is effectiveness of that tool would be self imposed guilt.. as well as stopping the self haranguing kind of “squeaky wheel gets the grease“. Being there's not a one-size-fits-all tool, can you give me your thoughts on my toolset, and possibly suggest some more? Respectfully submitted with a supreme aversion to "analysis paralysis"... Michael