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Dr Fishman’s yoga for osteoporosis

Can Dr Fishman’s 12 poses for osteoporosis prevent further bone loss or perhaps even reverse osteoporosis?

Tools to stay up all night?

Are there any safe chemical or non-chemical tools or science-based protocols that would allow anyone to stay energetic or awake throughout a full night?

Coffee and cold extremities?

Can coffee cause cold extremities? I feel that my hands are particularly cold where I do my cold plunges, could it help to skip the coffee beforehand?

Coaching conversation and Well-being and fulfillment

Hi Andrew Do you know evidence on the relationship between Life coaching and well-being and happiness and fullfilment in clients life ? It seems that something happens into the trust relationship and the confidence between the two person but is it related to the social connexion effect or chemically different ? I'm a physician, anesthesiologist and really like your content, Keep going Would really like my french community to have this kind of content too. Fouad (pronounced Fuèd) Marhar

Free testosterone and TRT.

Hi Andrew, do your protocols and supplement suggestions to enhance free testosterone professed for persons that can produce their own therapeutic levels translate to a person on TRT? Is the enhancement a higher level of naturally produced testosterone or raising the percentage of free to bound testosterone?