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with Huberman Lab Premium

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No question ... just a "thank you"

We have a few friends in common (Pat D, Marcus C, etc ...) and I just wanted to thank you for your support, interest, and encouragement to them and other great members of an incredible warrior class. Your non-pedigree winding road towards being where you are is empowering in so many ways. And the authenticity and candor with which you speak pierces through well-crafted walls of "nah man, I'm good." So ... thank you. No response needed. - Clint

DR. JOLENE BRIGHTEN - birth control pills

Would be amazing to have dr Jolene talking about birth control pills

Qigong Deviation & Kundalini Syndrome

What is happening to the body/mind when people practice ancient arts incorrectly and develop qigong deviation or kundalini syndrome?

Mechanisms of Action for Various Supplements

Hi, A misunderstanding of mechanisms of action could mean you could be taking supplements incorrectly. For example based on listening to one of the podcasts i started experimenting with l-carnatine supplements. However due to my misunderstanding of how carnatine works i was taking it incorrectly. For example i would take it after having fasted for the night, on an empty stomach pre-exercise under the mistaken assumption that it would have it effects immediately. Further research on my part revelead that carnatine needs to be loaded into the muscle, in addition the bio availability of it is poor when taken orally. It needs to be taken with carbhodyrates and protein to increase uptake in the muscle (found some research related to this). I think it would be useful to have an episode and discuss some the supplements mentioned on the podcasts, with a specific view on the mechanisms of action. Maybe there are broad categories of compunds that have various mechanisms. Another question would be, how long do supplements last in the system? For example if i am conducting a test/experiment with a supplement is there a washout period where it needs to flush out of the system to make my results valid? Questions: - What supplements need to be "loaded" into muscle (i.e Creatine etc.) - What supplmenets have flush out periods, and what are these? - What supplements are used immediately and excess excreted?

Milk: go or no go?

There's so much conflicting information out there about milk? Should humans drink milk everyday? Every week? Never? Does it make difference whether it's cow milk, goat milk, sheep milk,...?