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I hear of this more and more. My sister just started taking it. Is there any research out that you’ve seen? I hear mixed reviews. Thanks!

Masterbation without Porn

I am an overall healthy male(24). I get good sleep, i don't watch porn, i am not in a relationship yet (due to religious reasons), I exercise regularly, I eat semi-healthy and blah blah. I do not watch porn but i am in constant need to relieve myself. I have 700 test level and sometimes i masterbate up to 3 times a day WITHOUT PORN OR ANY IMAGES. I do not take my phone in the bathroom. Is this healthy? Does this release to much dopamine that i should be regulating? Should i limit my masterbation? Thank you!

Protocol for learning an instrument? (Ex: Guitar)

Can you please provide details on a protocol that would maximize guitar learning speed for a beginner? This protocol would include things such as: -The best time of day? (Morning or before bed) -Duration? (1.5hrs every other day or 15min daily) -warmup? (Ex: Breathing to increase norepinephrine) -Supplements? (Ex: Nicotine Gum for acetylcholine? Since this improves memory but reduces motor skills if I recall correctly)

Question on sleep

Can watching the time on the clock be detrimental on trying to fall sleep?

health and diet pre during and post pregnancy

Me and my wife are getting ready to start a family and have become slightly overwhelmed at the amount of information and all the horror stories about every possible way to give birth, at home in a hospital etc. I was hoping for an episode on different protocols you can use to help keep yourself and one day our child healthy throughout the whole process; ill be doing the cooking for her so any formats and tips for a pregnancy diet would be greatly appreciated