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Night shifter worker health

Plz refer me to the podcasts that talk about circadian rhythm , being a night shift worker. I need advice , my health and mental health have taken a toll working night shift , and taking care of elderly Alzheimer’s mother during day. Yeah…. Blessed for this time with my mother, but not enjoying it due to fatigue, stress, I’m yo-yo with every aspect of my life 😳🙃…. Thank you for answers

Didgeridoo, snoring & sleep apnea

There is some internet folklore which claims that playing the didgeridoo can "heal" snoring and sleep apnea, referring to scientific studies. It'd be great to hear you discuss these!

Playing the piano: advanced "neuro athletics"?

A famous soccer player, Serge Gnabry, claims that his piano lessons have helped him become injury-free by improving balance, left-right hand/foot coordination,... (see . A deep dive on "neuro athletics" and the effects on the brain of playing instruments like the piano would be awesome!

Nightshift work

I work from midnight to noon. Is it better to train before work or after work and before bed time? Training before would shift my active time even more towards the night as I would need to wake up earlier and go to sleep sooner. Training after work would mean that I am most active right before going to sleep, plus I would get the biggest dose of light right then (I workout outside). I already have SAD lamp and I am going to use it before work.


I have been a VA patient for years and they have been monitoring my glaucoma and supplying medications for same. However, since I have had glaucoma for over 40 years it has slowly shrink my visual field, especially, in my right eye. Examinations show that drusen occurrences are increasing evermore and my VA doctors do not have any treatments. I was wondering if you had any suggestions on what may be done to treat this condition.