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APOE 4/4 and Alcohol

Could you please provide some technical information on carrying the APOE 4/4 gene and the negative effects of alcohol consumption? Thank you.

Psoriasis /autoimmune

Andrew - if you had psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis (or other autoimmune condition) ….given all you know… what would be on your to do list and not to do list ?

Difference in Type I and Type II muscle metabolism

Am curious about muscle metabolism optimization depending upon muscle type, meaning Type I, IIa, IIb. Seems fast twitch muscle should be much less good at metabolizing fat, therefore, if one is a strength athlete body type (or former strength athlete type) is it necessary or ideal to work on muscle fat metabolism if one’s more natural tendency is to metabolize carbohydrate preferentially?

Metformin and Hypoglycemia

I have been taking Metformin about 10 months now. The first 6 months was 850mg at bedtime, now I take 500 mg with lunch and 500mg at bed. I do a 12noon till 8PM time restricted eating window. I also have been using the Levels continuous glucose monitor and have noticed that according to this current sensor, I am staying below 70 mg/dl - in the mid 60s. This is the majority of the day, seemingly somewhat regardless of my food intake. It does spike at times into the 80s but that's when I really load up on carbs and sugars. Normally speaking, i struggle to stay above 70. I have stopped using it for a few days and noticed little change. This was not the case when i used my initial Levels sensor earlier this year. Is it possible that Metformin has/is causing this condition and should I be concerned? I am very interested in the longevity benefits of this drug + time restricted eating but would like a little more advice regarding if it may not be right for me.

Could you dedicate an entire episode or series of episodes to women's health?

Specifically, menstrual cycle health and optimization as related to cognitive performance an entire episode on PCOS (expanding on the material from the episode with Dr. Kyle Gillett would be *amazing*) optimizing female fertility