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Combining Caffeine and Amphetamine (Adderall)

So as someone who has an ADHD diagnosis and frequently uses Adderall at relatively high therapeutic doses long term, how dangerous is it to use caffeine alongside this drug? I have used caffeine every single day with Adderall (around 300-400mg of caffeine a day) for the last year and I was unsure of how safe/unsafe this is. How do the drugs interact? I have done some research on this but its very complicated it seems, and I'm not sure if they compound on each other or not and amplify each other's effects to any noticeable degree. Can you give me some insight as to how this might be affecting my brain and body, especially at these doses and over the long term? Thank you for your hard work! I love the podcast!

Neuro regeneration

Hi Andrew, I have neuropathy which I think is either from my MCAS autoimmune condition (had severe diet restrictions on meat and nutrition which I am working on correcting now) or developing from taking amitripyline for past 12 years. Do you have any information on how to treat neuropathy and possible reverse central nervous system damage?

Black ginger (kaempferia parviflora)

Black ginger is touted on the internet as a supplement that boosts testosterone and libido in men. Could you do a deep dive on its effects and compare its efficacy to other supplements such as maca, fadogia agrestis and tongkat ali?

Creatine and Creatinine

I have a high creatinine level and stopped taking creatine years ago. I understand all the benefits but will creatine ingestion increase my creatinine levels even higher?

Suggested Guest: Dr Gabor Mate

Reading and listening to Dr Gabor Mate, he posits interesting, apparently research backed ideas on the source of addictions, illnesses, etc. It would be great for you to interview him and explore the areas of his work where your neuroscience agrees and may even disagree. His work has been very instrumental to me.