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Re Guest series with Dr Andy Galpin

Listening to the first 3 episodes with Dr Andy Galpin has been awesome. Appreciating he will touch on recovery, it would be great to discuss protocols for recovering from injury and rebuild from it in the context of the various fitness protocols discussed. Whilst injuries are many and varied, delving into how to react to, treat and recover from injuries ranging from minor muscle or tendon damage to more serious tendonopathies, stress fractures, connective tissue disorders, etc.

Cold water therapy timing

Hey Dr. H, I'm a recent follower and premium subscriber. I've followed your posts on cold therapy (11 mins total a week...early in AM...before work outs...etc). I just listened to your strength podcast with Andy Galpin and now I'm a little confused. Near the end of the podcast you two spoke briefly about cold therapy. You asked him about ideal timing to do it and he mentioned to basically just "stay away from it" completely on the days you lift. I think he then quickly said you yourself do it only a couple days a week? So how would you fit it in then? Basically only on your off days? Divide 11 mins up between off days? That doesn't seem like enough in my mind for some reason but is that the best solution? I was considering doing a 2 minute cold session (<5 degrees) first thing in the morning on most days of the week. I love how it makes me feel subjectively. Right now I have M/T/Th/Fr workout days. I was hoping this is a short enough time to still get my subjective benefits (and >11 min cumulative objective benefits you stated) but not risk the disadvantages that Galpin talks about? Yes? No? Thanks!

Best HGH Optimization strategy?

Not sure if I posted before (don't see the question now)...I am curious, esp after the optimizing male hormones podcast, what the best approach to maintaining HGH levels. What I took from the podcast was that peptides (whether taken orally or injected, for example CJC/Ipamorelin 1295) were not necessarily highly effective. If that is true, what are the top 3 or so interventions to follow to optimize HGH?

Zinc question from recent fertility podcast

Hey Andrew! In your podcast on fertility you mention taking 120mg of Zinc, twice per day. Can you expand on how to calculate that based on what type of Zinc we're taking? I.E., I have the Zinc Picolinate from momentous, and they're 15mg capsules. I'm assuming I don't want to take 16 of those per day?

Alpha 2A agonists and ADHD

Hi Dr. Huberman, I love your content on ADHD and all the other dopamine-related knowledge and advice you've shared with us. I do have another question about focus and so-called executive functions, regarding medications like guanfacine or clonidine. Can you elaborate on how these medications help some people with ADHD? I am a little confused because my understanding is that the alpha-2 adrenergic receptors function as a negative feedback mechanism on neurotransmitter release. Given the role of norepinephrine in enhancing focus, as well as the success of stimulant medication, why would turning on the "brakes" of mental arousal help treat ADHD? Thanks!